Terms and Conditions

This page provides the Terms and Conditions for GDIT's online supplier contracting. To view click on the title.

Fixed Price commercial items under a Federal Contract | Effective as of June 28, 2024

Fixed Price non-commercial items under a Federal Contract | Effective as of June 28, 2024

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions for Fixed Price commercial items (Non-Federal)

Data Protection and Security

Data Protection and Security Schedule 1 - Standard Contractual Clauses (Processor to Processor)

Data Protection and Security Schedule 1 - Standard Contractual Clauses (Controller to Processor)

Anti-Trafficking Compliance Plan

GSE&SC Price Contract General Supplemental Terms: The following TERMS are applicable to Department of State GSE&SC Program ONLY. These Supplemental GSE&SC Terms and Conditions are to be used in conjunction with the corresponding applicable Fixed Price Commercial or Non–Commercial Item Terms and Conditions for Federal Contracts listed above.

GSE&SC Program PO Terms and Conditions for Fixed Price Commercial Items (FAR PART 12) – Dept. of State | Effective as of June 14, 2024

GSE&SC Program PO Terms and Conditions for Fixed Price Non-Commercial Items (FAR PART 15) – Dept. of State | Effective as of June 14, 2024

INFORMATIVE: The section contains important information for GDIT Suppliers. To view click on the title.

NISP SP 800-171 DoD Assessment and CMMC Supplier Letter