Environment Protecting our changing world. The greatest resource we have is the world in which we live. GDIT’s technology, scientific expertise and mission solutions are driving environmental and climate change initiatives. For over 40 years, we have partnered with federal agencies to lead research …
When we think about sensors, we typically envision them in the classical sense: they detect environmental changes by absorbing and measuring some form of energy. Often, this also requires first emitting energy to have enough of a reflection to locate a physical object or identify changes to an envir…
As is often in the headlines these days, the United States increasingly relies on coalitions as we engage with nations around the world. Beyond our borders, the global trend toward coalitions requires secure environments where intelligence and armed services personnel can work together, communicate,…
MISSION PARTNER ENVIRONMENTS Enhanced interoperability with global partners. Today, our national security is intrinsically tied to our ability to effectively partner with our allies. Mission Partner Environments (MPEs) allow the military and its trusted partners to communicate, collaborate and to sh…
In May of 1991, weeks after the end of active hostilities in the Persian Gulf War, Coalition Forces Commander, U.S. Army General Norman Schwarzkopf, told a group of Naval Academy graduates, “The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war." What he meant was that training, done well and with …
You have probably read in the news that the last major cybersecurity incident for organization X or product Y was related to basic cyber hygiene practices, not any sort of zero-day vulnerability. Despite the recent focus on these types of vulnerabilities, many cyber incidents are still caused by unp…
We live in a world where we are more connected than any other time in human history. From phones held in our hands, we can watch events unfold on the other side of the world as they’re happening. We can communicate in real-time, share pictures or videos, form connections or otherwise interact with s…
In May of 2020, the U.S. Navy sought to develop a reporting process that would quickly and accurately deliver COVID-19 personnel data to leadership within the Navy and the Department of Defense. This included information about cases, transmissions and contact tracing, as well as sailor movements and…
Mission Partner Environments (MPEs) allow the military and trusted partners to communicate, collaborate and share sensitive, classified information securely and in real-time. And as technology continues to rapidly evolve, building and maintaining MPEs is both more complex and more important than eve…
When crises emerge in remote corners of the world, Coalition Forces need the ability to mount an immediate and coordinated response. Doing that depends on timely and accurate information sharing. Two critical elements make that possible: [Identity Credentialing and Access Management, or ICAM](/capab…